A Summary of Colorado Tears

Where am I going with this?

Patty Latham
A Bit of Madness


Riding in the San Juan Mountains. Photo by author

Dr. Josie Tate, a veterinarian in a small town in southwest Colorado, leaves a tumultuous relationship behind. While recovering from a catastrophic horse-riding accident, Josie searches for her missing horse, testifies in a court case against a menacing animal abuser, and contemplates her dream of owning a sanctuary for wild horses. She befriends Charlie Whitten, a Parks and Wildlife agent whose winter survey of lynx dens high in the San Juan Mountains leads him to the rescue of an avalanche victim and a clue into the loss of Josie’s horse.

I am looking for readers who will comment, constructively criticize or add their impressions of this story. So far, I don’t seem to be generating any interest, so I may go back to my book one fan club with this and stick to short story fiction on medium. It was worth a try with all the excellent writers on this platform.



Patty Latham
A Bit of Madness

Veterinarian CSU 1975. Mom. Rider of mustangs. Author of Napa Valley Vets, novel Colorado Blood, and over 20 case reports and features for EQUUS and on line..